Friday, October 2, 2009

We all have our release. That thing that speaks to us, soothes our angsts, calms our souls and takes us away. Weed, sex, liquor or HBO - take your pick for your poison or method of choice.

Mine? Yoga. If it wasn't for yoga, I would probably throw my bicycle lock into someone's windshield. It not only gives me peace of mind and calms my nerves, but it also gives me time to think about my life. It's called a practice for a reason. It's not a game, where you play to win. It's called a practice because you work at getting better every time you're on the mat. I love the way it applies to life - we should all work towards improving aspects about ourselves - no matter how small.

I think the best way to do make anything better is to take it and strip it down to its essence. Break it down. Start from the beginning. And in yoga, that means, i mean that I'm trying to work on my feet muscles. Hahaha I know it sounds funny. But working on the small muscles in your feet actually helps to strengthen and align your entire foot. Posture is better, stance is better= poses are stronger, more solid = better practice. They always say that your building is only as strong as the foundation.

Building up from the foundation applies to everything. Relationships. Work. Health. Physical activity. If you work on the small stuff and the details, all the bigger things will fall into place. Something that I've noticed, especially relationships. I've been trying to work on the most important one recently - the one I have with myself. I used to shut my thoughts out, but now I embrace them. I give myself "Lauren time". I do what ever the hell I want - blog, yoga, lie in bed till noon - whatever. Doing all those likkle things makes me appreciate me and get to know myself juuuust a wee bit more. I dont think I've ever been in tune with myself as I am now.

I love it!

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