Friday, October 23, 2009

Spread 'em.

So remember when I was talking about working on my foot muscles? Well i splurged a likkle bit a couple days and bought toe spreaders. They're just like the ones that you put btwn your toes when you paint your nails, except instead of foam, they're gel.


(haha but I actually use them when I'm painting my toes too - so they're dual purpose :P Anything to justify splurging on myself. hee hee.)

So the point of toes spreaders is to work the muscles in your toes and feet in order to improve your overall posture and strength. I've been walking around with them for a couple hours @ a time, and mek mi tell you - I'm using muscles I didn't even know existed in my foot. I have SORE FOOT MUSCLES. Who has sore foot muscles?? I really love them tho. Since I broke my left foot earlier this year I was worried that I wasn't going to be able to get it back to its full strength - I've heard that you feel the repercussions for the rest of your life. But I think after working my feet with these - I'll be great!

I'm using them when I practice too, so I'll update you on that status as the months go by :)

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