Friday, October 9, 2009

L is for the way you look at me :)

I've been thinking alot about love today.


4 letters that hold so much meaning to so many of us.

Actually I looked up the word "love" on and there are a total of 28 definitions and descriptions of the word love. (Big and serious - see for yourself!

Simply put - love is complex. And indeed - everyone has a different definition of love. Why do people have such a hard time defining that word? I asked a few people on my bbm today - "What does the word LOVE mean to you?" I got alot of differently worded answers, but they all had the same undertones. Simply put, love means acceptance, happiness, and comfort.

What does love mean to me? I can elaborate on the adjectives above. I think it means acceptance of who you are, and loving you despite your flaws. Love means to be selfless for the other person - to give yourself whole heartedly, with humility. You love the person no matter what they do, what they smell like, or what they might do for a living. Its unconditional.

But we humans are intricate beings, capable of millions of different emotions and actions. My definition of love sounds so straightforward, so simple. But I know that it's not like that. My friend Brianne said "It's the only other word besides "God" that is undefinable, indescribable." I agree with her for that reason. Yes, you can love someone with all your heart. But will it come to fruit? Do you think it's true when they say love holds no bounds? At what point do you decide/realize that you love someone else? What would you do for the person you love? When is love not enough?

And then throw life in there. Just add another layer of complication on.

All the different emotions that are involved in the feelings that two people have for each other can be so volatile. Emotional rollercoaster!

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