Friday, November 13, 2009

A poem for meeeeeeee :)

Things I like about Lauren Ching

A poem by Lauren Reyes-Grange *clears throat*

Pina, my little ballerina…who has nothing but positivity flowing through her veins..
is beautiful, compassionate, courageous, and a friend that I'm lucky to call mine.

She can make me laugh on the gloomiest day,
this is one of her marvellous tale
nts… it's just her way.

She can cook up a gourmet feast effortlessly with canned goods and spice.
Trust me, this is one girl who you ought to keep in your life.

Any situation, good or bad, she brushes it off and continues down the road,
even if it's 3am, you're drunk, convinced her car was stolen, but infact it was towed.

She is my roommate, my confident, my morning and late night dance partner, AKA my homey...
After a rude awakening from a physic, and I wanted to sleep forever, with Pina in my corner I never once felt lonely.

Although, you know, we don't always see eye to eye,
I know her intentions are completely pure and on her I can rel
y make sure I'm fed, and young caesar has company, to edit my essays, and for an honest opinion on my latest "brilliant" idea,
You may just know her as Lauren Ching, but lucky for me, she is and always will be my Pina.

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