Thursday, November 19, 2009

A night out with my favourite people in the whole world

So last night I went to watch the Rockettes Christmas Show at the Air Canada Center with My Sweet (my grandmother) and D (short for David - my grandfather). My grandparents had gotten floor seat tickets from my Grandma's niece, which were amazing! (except for the fact that the girl who was sitting in front of me had the BIGGEST head in the world, so I had to crane my neck to see around her. But no matter!) So with a bag of over-priced popcorn and my grandmother by my side, I was ready to take in the elaborate routines and precision dancing that has made the Rockettes famous. I didn't get to take any pictures, but I stole a few from their website for your viewing pleasure.

The Rockettes perform their tap-dancing version of "12 Days of Christmas"

Little Toy Soldiers - they did this in slooooowww motion.

It's odd, because usually I would get really into a show and the dancing and the message and all that, but as the show was progressing, all I did was assess and analyze; I was checking out the stage work, the lighting, the syncing of the tap dancing with the music, the projection of the singers voices and the sound of the speakers, etc.

After all that assessment, I concluded that I was impressed at how elaborate the stage and lighting and costumes were. During the hour and a half show, I was also surprised to notice that EVERYONE was REALLY into it. For example, Santa came on stage at the beginning and shouted "Merry Christmas!" and EVERYONE clapped and waved and screamed back "MERRY CHRISTMAS SANTA!"

Not that Christmas isn't my thing, but guys - it's November the 19th ... not even a MONTH till Christmas. And not that I don't love Christmas - I love the smell of pine trees and cookies baking and all that - but I find people get lost in the present buying and the commercialism of everything, and they lose the real meaning behind Christmas: (1) The birth of Christ, and (2) Some good, wholesome, family time. But I digress.

Overall I would say that if you love Christmas, and you love productions with dancing and singing, then this show is definitely worth it. For me, I think the best part was sitting beside my grandmother and watching her expressions change every time something bizarre or spectacular happened. Ah family time :) <3

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