Wednesday, November 11, 2009

First thing's first ... last thing's last.

You know what my mother used to tell me all the time? That I need to prioritize my life. I need to get my priorities straight. That I need to examine what is most important in the situation and do the most important stuff first. And she was only talking about school work v.s. me fucking off with my cousins in the back yard, running around with no shoes on.

The problem with school work is that you know its important - so you don't want to do it. You procrastinate and put it off till the very last minute. Till the clock is ticking and you're scrambling to put the title page on that essay, running down the hall towards your professors office, 2 minutes before the deadline. (Yes - I'm sure you can see me now - running like lighting and panting like a woman in labour ... not fun :P) You know that you have to do it, and so, you don't. You put off the inevitable.

All my recent blogs seem to be about all these concepts that I'm only now beginning to grasp. I've lived 24 years, and only now do I feel like I'm truly experiencing the emotions that are brought about by life. Specific to my experience with love within this last year, life, love, and relationships, are all about priorities. You understand, as you mature, that the important shit is actually what you should do first. If you want it, you make it happen. You find that person? Love them and treat them right. You find that house? Secure it. You got a good job? Save that money. What ever is most important to you - you end up doing it first because without securing those things first, what are you left with?

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