Thursday, November 19, 2009

A night out with my favourite people in the whole world

So last night I went to watch the Rockettes Christmas Show at the Air Canada Center with My Sweet (my grandmother) and D (short for David - my grandfather). My grandparents had gotten floor seat tickets from my Grandma's niece, which were amazing! (except for the fact that the girl who was sitting in front of me had the BIGGEST head in the world, so I had to crane my neck to see around her. But no matter!) So with a bag of over-priced popcorn and my grandmother by my side, I was ready to take in the elaborate routines and precision dancing that has made the Rockettes famous. I didn't get to take any pictures, but I stole a few from their website for your viewing pleasure.

The Rockettes perform their tap-dancing version of "12 Days of Christmas"

Little Toy Soldiers - they did this in slooooowww motion.

It's odd, because usually I would get really into a show and the dancing and the message and all that, but as the show was progressing, all I did was assess and analyze; I was checking out the stage work, the lighting, the syncing of the tap dancing with the music, the projection of the singers voices and the sound of the speakers, etc.

After all that assessment, I concluded that I was impressed at how elaborate the stage and lighting and costumes were. During the hour and a half show, I was also surprised to notice that EVERYONE was REALLY into it. For example, Santa came on stage at the beginning and shouted "Merry Christmas!" and EVERYONE clapped and waved and screamed back "MERRY CHRISTMAS SANTA!"

Not that Christmas isn't my thing, but guys - it's November the 19th ... not even a MONTH till Christmas. And not that I don't love Christmas - I love the smell of pine trees and cookies baking and all that - but I find people get lost in the present buying and the commercialism of everything, and they lose the real meaning behind Christmas: (1) The birth of Christ, and (2) Some good, wholesome, family time. But I digress.

Overall I would say that if you love Christmas, and you love productions with dancing and singing, then this show is definitely worth it. For me, I think the best part was sitting beside my grandmother and watching her expressions change every time something bizarre or spectacular happened. Ah family time :) <3

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Cup o' tea anyone?

I know that when i get sick, I want nuff water and a HUGE cup of tea. What's the history of tea? Check it out here .

Guilty as Charged?

check out these ridiculous sex laws ....

No Expectations - Hold onto nothing and you will have everything.

as taken from a cheesy website, but the message is still legit ....

It is a most liberating experience when you are able to live life with an attitude of no expectations. When you have expectations, you have preconceived ideas of how things should be that you are attached to. Expectation creates fear because you think what you desire may or may not happen. Free of expectations, you can just go with the flow of the universe and not be affected by the outcomes that you encounter. Every outcome can serve to move you towards greater realization of your desires.

When you are attached to an outcome, you expect things to happen at a certain time in a certain way. But when it does not happen at the expected time or in the expected manner, then what results is a feeling of fear. Having expectations about how your desires should manifest will produce negative feelings when your expectations are not met. That is why it is better to act on your intention without expectations about the when and how it manifests.

Fear, doubt and worry are the last things you want to experience in the process of manifesting desires. That is why the best way to create what you want is through detachment. Act on your desires with a detached involvement. You do what you are guided to do by your heart but you do not judge the rightness of your actions by the results that you get. As long as your actions are based on purpose, you have done what you were meant to do regardless of what seems to happen from it.

When the universe is in the process of working things out for the realization of your intention, there might be things that happen which make it seem as though things are not working out. It is your expectation of how things should happen that makes you think that things are not working out. But actually you are not seeing the whole picture, because what you are seeing is only a piece of the larger scheme of events where everything is really working out the way it should.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

New White Blackberry Curve?! gimmie!

I'm just finding out about this now ... but check it out:

Blackberry's new 8520 - also called the Blackberry Gemini - loses the trademark Blackberry trackball in favour of an optical, touch-sensitive trackpad!

mmmmmmm and It comes in white ... i want i want.

Monday, November 16, 2009

DON'T ....

And I quote, "
This is a DON'T.

Girls don’t like guys that are prettier than them, so if you have
a male-model face try to hide it with a beard and make
everything else as dirtbag as possible. In other words, walk softly and
carry a big dick."

That made my day. Check out more Do's and Don'ts @:


Big up to my musical source - Mr. Ajani - for keeping my R&B so fresh and so clean clean!
I'm following this woman on tumbler, and she puts up the most provocative pictures ... i LOVE them.

Please see below. And feel your insides tingle. ;)

Will share more when I find them :)

Friday, November 13, 2009

oohh i like how this one was done

"I must not fear. Fear is the mindkiller. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past me I will turn to see fear's path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

~Frank Herbert, Dune

A poem for meeeeeeee :)

Things I like about Lauren Ching

A poem by Lauren Reyes-Grange *clears throat*

Pina, my little ballerina…who has nothing but positivity flowing through her veins..
is beautiful, compassionate, courageous, and a friend that I'm lucky to call mine.

She can make me laugh on the gloomiest day,
this is one of her marvellous tale
nts… it's just her way.

She can cook up a gourmet feast effortlessly with canned goods and spice.
Trust me, this is one girl who you ought to keep in your life.

Any situation, good or bad, she brushes it off and continues down the road,
even if it's 3am, you're drunk, convinced her car was stolen, but infact it was towed.

She is my roommate, my confident, my morning and late night dance partner, AKA my homey...
After a rude awakening from a physic, and I wanted to sleep forever, with Pina in my corner I never once felt lonely.

Although, you know, we don't always see eye to eye,
I know her intentions are completely pure and on her I can rel
y make sure I'm fed, and young caesar has company, to edit my essays, and for an honest opinion on my latest "brilliant" idea,
You may just know her as Lauren Ching, but lucky for me, she is and always will be my Pina.

You know what I love?

The sweet taste of retribution!!!!!

It's so sweet!!!!!! MUAHAHAH!!

Body art

I can't WAIT to get my next few tattoos ... all I do is go online looking at other people's tattoos and planning what and where and how!!!!!! :D

Just a few that I found and i just L-O-V-E! Inspiration!

If I didn't get bored easily, I would have my whole back and sleeves done ... I think it's beautiful.

I love the doves. I might get some doves too.

I soon post one of mine ... :)


Happy Friday 13th!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

First thing's first ... last thing's last.

You know what my mother used to tell me all the time? That I need to prioritize my life. I need to get my priorities straight. That I need to examine what is most important in the situation and do the most important stuff first. And she was only talking about school work v.s. me fucking off with my cousins in the back yard, running around with no shoes on.

The problem with school work is that you know its important - so you don't want to do it. You procrastinate and put it off till the very last minute. Till the clock is ticking and you're scrambling to put the title page on that essay, running down the hall towards your professors office, 2 minutes before the deadline. (Yes - I'm sure you can see me now - running like lighting and panting like a woman in labour ... not fun :P) You know that you have to do it, and so, you don't. You put off the inevitable.

All my recent blogs seem to be about all these concepts that I'm only now beginning to grasp. I've lived 24 years, and only now do I feel like I'm truly experiencing the emotions that are brought about by life. Specific to my experience with love within this last year, life, love, and relationships, are all about priorities. You understand, as you mature, that the important shit is actually what you should do first. If you want it, you make it happen. You find that person? Love them and treat them right. You find that house? Secure it. You got a good job? Save that money. What ever is most important to you - you end up doing it first because without securing those things first, what are you left with?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"It's strange that my life should end in such a terrible place, but for three years I had roses and I apologized to nobody. I shall die here. Every last inch of me shall perish. Except one. An inch. It's small and it's fragile and it's the only thing in the world worth having. We must never lose it, or sell it, or give it away. We must never let them take it from us."
- Valerie, V for Vendetta

Rickshaw ride

I'm watching this movie about a kind hearted cab driver called Amal. He drives customers all over New Delhi in his rickshaw, and never over charges them (a rarity in India). One day he drives a millionaire dressed in rags, who has been searching for the last scrap of moral fiber in society; and someone he can leave his fortune to. Amal's story is laced with humility and unfortunate events that leave the viewer with a sneaky suspicion that rich men aren't necessarily the happiest. I won't spoil it for you, but I enjoyed it.

Amal brought me straight back to India. I mean to say .. I can feel myself there again. Masses of people everywhere, crazy drivers, an underlying sense of chaos and confusion, and a loose sense of public conduct - at least by Western standards. Indian people are reaaall hustlers too. When I was there, I always felt like people were trying to scam me into paying more than was necessary. Everyone's just trying to make a dollar, make a living, and they straight up play the game and don't give a fuck really.

I loved India, and I hated it. In a way it reminded me a lot of Jamaica in the sense that the people are passionate, loud, straight forward and crass - a mix of rich and poor, and little in between. Indian food made me swoon, the candor of the locals made me laugh, and their public bathrooms disgusted me. But that's the beauty of India. It's far from perfect - it's a world where people are REAL. When I get my yoga certification, I'm definitely going to buy myself a ticket and head straight there. I'll just make sure to pack lots of hand sanitizer and source as much fruits and veggies this time around.


The thrill.

Walking beside you.

Your hand brushes against mine.

I can't even concentrate on what you're saying.

After all this talking, you're right next to me.

My stomach is in knots.

I make the first move.

A clumsy attempt to touch your lips with mine, but they connect.

I feel the tingle of a promising and tangible electricity.

I can barely wait till I'm alone with you.

My insides quiver with thoughts of your skin on mine.

No denying ...

that familiar feeling ...

of body chemistry.


I have no idea why the hell I'm so moody & irritated today.

I want to eat something and I don't know what it is. Oatmeal cookies? Bread pudding?

I want to have a ton of sex. Lots and lots and lots of sex. Long, hard, fast, slow, sloppy, crazy sex.

............. I must be PMS ing. (B/c i NEVER have cravings for bread pudding.)

Friday, November 6, 2009

You want me to become a what?!

I'm a vegetarian. Well - pescatarian if you want to be precise. I only eat seafood - no meat and very little dairy. But I stumbled across this guy's blog who is a FRUITARIAN. The man only eats fruits. Dried fruits, crushed fruits, blended fruits, whole fruits. Example- he eats 15 bananas a day. I think that's a likkle extreme - even for me. Check him out and tell me what you think.