Monday, September 28, 2009

Point ...

Sometimes I wonder what the point of this blog is. Do I really want to share my inner most private thoughts with everyone? Tell you whatever is on my heart, my mind, my soul? Sometimes I'm not so sure. Sometimes I feel like that kinda thing shouldn't be shared with anyone but your closest friends; the ones you love. Anyone could be reading this right now and getting to know Lauren Ching - what makes me tick, cry and laugh. Some creepy man who googled "chiney likkle ting" may come across my blog and find out that I love brown rice chips. Should I be creeped out a likkle? I guess that's why half the time all I post on here are items that I find beautiful - art, photography, men, women, poetry, etc - not necessarily confessions like "my god! I love that man down the street! he makes my heart thump and my knees ache!"

But still, even though I only post photos and pictures and art, I am still letting you see my soul. Blogging serves as a release for me - and everyone else out there. We sit here at our keyboards and stare at these screens day after day, utilizing this medium of self-expression, letting our souls out in cyber space and hoping that someone will read, see who we really are, and love us for it. Or hate us for it - what ever gets you off. Even as you read this, you sit there and form an opinion of me, and what I love and live for. Love me, hate me, be bored of me. (Not that I really care - I love opinions. Every person should have one.)

I really have no idea where I was going with this one. I just sat here and started typing. I guess that's how it always starts :)

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