Saturday, March 28, 2009

Jump in the mud of love/
Get yourelf filthy with/
funky love ya'll ..
all u need is ..
what u want is..
all u need is LOVE
                         - DMB

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Love, Sex & Magic

Justin and Ciara ... ouf .. this video is HOT.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


gorgeous photography by Benoit.P

Year of the Ox ..

It's a bit late for Chinese new Year but I just found this great likkle ox and since its my year - yes, that's right people, MY YEAR!! I thought I would post him. I would so get a likkle tattoo jus like this - of course in red, since its the colour of luck in China. Maybe on my foot .... hummm.
Represent my peepoo!!

Happy Spring!

Artwork by Patricia Storms :) How cute!
i miss you.



I feel like I'm cheating on my boyfriend or something!

You kno ... every time I look at a tumbler site, I want to change from EBlogger to Tumbler ... it jus seems so much COOLER. I like the way it design and the structure and how it jus shape suh NICE!

And then I think .. "but Eblogger has been here since your blogging inception! You can't leave it now!"

Isn't it silly how I'm feeling some kind of loyalty to a website? haha. Silly girl.

Friday, March 20, 2009

muse :)

sexy innit? :)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

i think im going to have to make a separate fashion blog ...


Popular music originating in Jamaica in the 1960s as a slower form of ska, with an emphasis on harmonies and on socially conscious lyrics.
I'm going to start scouring the streets for graffiti.

Take you down

I know he's a woman beater .... but damn .. this song is sexy.

Makes me want to .... You know what i'm saayyiinnn. ;)

I <3 G-sus

G-Sus ... designer featured in L'Oreal Toronto Fashion Week.
i looovee this look. rraar.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

someone needs to go back to school!

new project

So i've decided to start making some decisions in my life!

I've decided to redo my room! Declutter! Paint afresh! Clear it out!

So here were my two choices ...

Turquoise and burnt orange ...

and cornflower blue and lime green ....

That's my bay window you see there. Its the main attraction in my room, so i going to mek it look sexxiii ...

and I've decided on the blue and lime green. I think the other colours might give me a headache when I wake up.

now for the follow through ... going to paint next week :) Stay tuned!

well aren't you just darling?


I need money. I hate that I need money. I hate being in debt.

so ...


1, filthy rich, disgustingly wealthy man. Looking for someone in his mid-20's to mid-30's, nice, funny, humble and lacking in odd body hair like ear hair or long nose hairs. I've got lots to bring to the table, so u gotta impress me.

That is all.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Strawberry Fields Forever ... <3

Jus watched Across the Universe for the first time in about a year .... forgot how much I loved that movie :) Great great movie ... they did a good job with weaving the stories and the songs together.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ponderations #1

I suppose when I'm hungover is the best time to write. That, or when I'm really tired, because the words and vocab jus flow out like water. Or maybe I'm just too tired to sort out thoughts in my brain or block out my subconsiousness so everyting jus comes thru.

I've been thinking alot about my life and everyting/everyone in it. I mean ... if you don't know me already, I'll give you the brief run nitty gritty. I'm 23 years old, living at home with my mother, been single for about a year, working at a yoga studio as a coordinator and writing for a magazine as the fashion consultant/editor. I have a handful of wonderful friends from all different kinds of groups and cilches, and a wicked family that I don't think I get to spend enough time with. I wish there was a way for me to spend more time with all these wonderful people and build these relationships as well as building myself and what I want to do in life.

I've been reflecting alot on what I want to do with myself recently, because I've decided that I need to move on from this place, i.e. Canada. I love it here in the summer time, I love the free health care, I love the network of friends that I've built here. But there's something about Canada during the winter - i.e. 8 months out of the year - that makes me horribly and utterly DEPRESSED. I think they call is the RASS CAWL WEATHER. Its taken me almost a f*@#ing decade to accept Canada as my home base instead of JA. (Note that I said "home base" - not HOME.)

So I guess what I'm working out right now is where I want to settle down for a likkle. Working out what I want to do in terms of a job. Its funny b/c I watched Vicky Christina Barcelona the other day (twice) and the character of Christina reminds me so much of myself. A girl who's just floating, trying out different things, unsure of what she wants, but knows what she DOESN'T want. I mean I'm not that bad, but the list of what I don't want slightly preceeds the list of wants.

which leads to self-discovery #3 ...

I'm a bona-fide FLAKE.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Self-Discovery #2 part 2

Deep down inside, I am a lazy lazy lazy individual with absolutely NO ambition to get out of bed in the mornings.

I think I need to find more of a routine.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Self-discovery #2

...... I'm THAT forgetful .... I've already forgotten what I was going to post.

How quaint!

I really have no idea what it is specifically about mason jars and old milk bottles that I find so charming. I just want to drink from them all the time! And use them in various art projects and storage options!

haha and i found this cute cartoon too :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Self-discovery #1 (of many)

When I'm bored ... I eat.

I should pick up another habit ... not smoking, b/c I'm asmatic, and don't like the taste that much anyway.

Knitting would be a good one to continue, except sometimes it puts me to sleep.

And I would love to have sex, but that seems to be many postal codes away. (not that I only have sex when I'm bored, nor do I do it in public when I'm bored ... let me reverse that up.)

Am waiting for another solution sometime soon.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

by Susan Dougall :)

by aunty Sue ... wunnerful :)