Friday, January 9, 2009


Oh my goodness .. I miss Japan so much. Here's what really did it to me last night. 

Thank god I spoke to a friend I met in Japan, but actually lives in the town next to mine - she found an okinomiyaki place downtown so I can satisfy at the very least, the Japanese food craving in me!

For those of you who don't know what Okinomiyaki is - unbelievable fried vegetable goodness with special sauce. Mayo optional in my option.

I miss traveling in general!!!! I am sick of the cold - I need to get a move on and go somewhere else ... I am getting Canadian Cabin Fever (if they don't have that in the medical books - i will look about getting it instated)

So where to next you ask? hummm ... Italy? Spain? France? Or should I go back to Asia ... I'm thinking anywhere in Europe .. guess I'm going to forego that career and live the life of a gypsy for a likkle bit more .... when I look into the real life options I'll update unnu.

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